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English translation for "improve the living quality"


Related Translations:
improve fade:  强化渐隐术
improved invisibility:  高等隐形术高级隐形术记得进阶隐形术增强隐形术
improved goods:  改良品
improve stove:  改良炉灶
improving furnace:  精炼炉
improved reduce:  高等缩小术缩小术
improved variety:  改良品种经过改良的种子
improved undercarriage:  改装车架
improve range:  增大距离
new improved ceresan:  谷乐生
Example Sentences:
1.Provide the opportunity of successful career for the staff , plan career goal for the staff , improve the living quality of the staff
2.I will do my best to create more and more profit for company when at work , and to improve the living quality of my family , speaking of myself
3.Solving the traffic problem can not only strengthen the continuable development ability and promote the urban economy , but effectively ameliorate the urban environment and improve the living quality
4.To elucidate the living status of aids patients and the methods of improving the living quality of aids patients based on analysis of affection factors about the living quality of aids patients and measures of improving living quality of aids patients in other countries
5.Constructing the top - ranking transportation system is the basic condition to accelerate the permanent development of economy and society . it is not only an important actor to buildup the urban general competitive power , but " also the actual ensure to improve the living quality of urban resident
6.Sheng wang is preparing to make more achievements by learning advanced experience from domestic and foreign counterpart to enhance the management and operation , besides that we will continue our commitment to make more contributions on improving the living quality of those with hearing impaired
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